So you want to have your little business and make money doing things that you really like.
1. Realize what you can do with your own hands or mind for a long time.
2. Understand your skill and take it as consumable for other business.
3. Locate one example of this business in socials ( Facebook, Instagram etc.) and understand or maybe even ask what people need in this business ( materials and other consumables ).
4. If you can do what other business needs better / faster / cheaper then stop on this idea and tell about it with friends or just post it ( Reddit for example ) to get critics and advices.
5. Face the comments and decide. If you feel lucky - go and develop your plan further ( count all the money and time you need. My advice: when you think that you can make something 1 hour, write that you can do it in 3 hours and if you can buy something for 10$ - write that you have to spend 20$ ). If you are afraid or people give you bad feedback - go to step 1.